If you haven't already noticed, Dave has taken a small breather in between tours (another one starting up shortly) and has answered a TON of old and new Questions and Answers. A lot of questions got asked multiple times and so, some of them were not answered directly, but most of you should find your answer now - either directly, or in some other response. I'm gonna try to get the rest of the band members to login again and do the same. Which reminds, me, don't forget to pick your submission category carefully; a question to Dave sent to me, or the Guilty Men, for example, will likely not get answered. Anyhow, check out Dave's Q&A page - it's great reading!
With Dave's new album on the way (15Jun on YepRoc: see the News section), I decided it would be a good time to update the look of these pages a bit. Hope you like the new layout and if you have any comments, please be sure to use the comment system to leave me a message. Like Dave, I can't promise I'll get back to you, but I'll take your suggestions into consideration. As time goes on, I'll try to expand the new look into the rest of the pages as well.
Oh, again, in case you haven't noticed, we are now officially davealvin.com. If you have any bookmarks saved with the old address (bullwinkle, or hello), please update them to reflect the new domain. That way I'll be able to change servers without anyone noticing. Since the Blasters are using theblasters.com, and I haven't thought of a good available name to include both The Blasters and Dave, Dave's page is reachable at www.davealvin.com while the Blasters page address is www.davealvin.com/blasters/index.html.
Thanks for reading and dropping by,
Last modified 18Apr04.