Scot's Podium 01 April 2007

Lots of Live Show Information Now Online

OK, so it's been about three years since I've added anything here. I've made a few large changes to the site recently, so I thought I'd mention them here.

First off, the URLs have changed slightly - hopefully for the last time. The Blasters home page is now: while Dave's is now

Second, there's the new show archive for both the Blasters and Dave. Click on the Shows link off the main page. The archive contains details, set lists, pictures and reviews from live Blasters and Dave Alvin shows. I rely on all of you to populate the site and have mechanisms for online submission and corrections. Note, though, that your submissions must be approved by me before they go live, so you won't see your submission right away. I typically process these within a day or so, though. I've also recently added a reasonably search engine so you can look for all recordings of your favorite song in your favorite city, etc. I intend to expand this feature more later, but it's reasonably powerful now. Please take a look explore, and submit your own data - for past and future shows. Thanks a million for the data already submitted. I was amazed at how quickly the Dave Alvin folk started sending in information!

Third, there's great news about trading live Dave Alvin recordings. With Dave's permission, I have setup a Dave Alvin repository with the folks over at You can find it allows you to upload your own recordings and download those that others have submitted. They provide a great service and work hard to respect the artists as well. So, please check them out and start uploading (and downloading) your recordings!

The site recently celebrated its 11th year birthday. Billy Davis pointed this out to me and it's too bad we missed the 10th year party. Speaking of Billy, I FINALLY met him earlier this year at the World Cafe Live in Philly. You can see pictures of this great gathering in Dave's show archive. What the heck, here's a copy of one of the pictures directly:

Dave told both of us that once we met the other (Billy and I), we'd feel like we've known him all his life. Okay, maybe he got extra mileage out of that line, but it's true. It was great meeting Billy face to face and I'm sure we'll do it sooner again before another 11 years transpire this time! I also met several other East Coast Dave Alvin fans, some of whom, like archivist Nick, I've emailed a lot over the years, as well. I need to get off-island more often, I think! :>

As usual, comments, suggestions, updates, are welcome!


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Last modified 01Apr07.

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