Needless to say, my intense travel schedule hasn't let up yet (two weeks in Japan with my then-fiance and a number of trips to Austin and a few US observatories), but I have recently caught up with my back log of messages (about 300 were waiting for me, although a lot of them, thankfully, were duplicates as described above) and added a lot of little tidbits to the pages. There isn't much going on in the Blaster camp, but I did add a few sightings and reviews. There are quite a few new Dave reviews and some new additions to the Marketplace.
Again, I tried to respond to most people who sent email unless the message was just too outdated to need a reply at this point or the supplied email address was wrong or missing. The new comment form REQUIRES a valid email address before it will send me your message, so I'm hoping that clears a few things up, as long as everyone types it in correctly! I've now got a ton of questions and general fan mail to forward to Dave and the Blasters. Knowing how hard these guys work on a daily basis, it may be a while before we get any responses, but your comments and questions were not lost- they are all still in the pipeline....
Part of the reason for my recent backlog of work was that I just got married: on March 7th in San Mateo (near The City, San Francisco) to my wonderful bride who has yet to catch a Blasters or Dave Alvin gig. We returned to Austin (where she is currently) on the 13th, but I got the usual post-wedding flu and didn't make it out to see Dave that night in town. Next time....:>
I've got a big observing run coming up in April that I am going to be coordinating from here in Iowa - we have about 14 observatories around the globe looking at the same star for about two to three weeks starting in just a few days. I plan on being able to keep on top of incoming issues, but will have to put any major put any WWW page expansion off for a bit. My plans include a lyric archive and perhaps biographical material on band members, something which I just haven't been able to do yet. Hopefully you've all seen the new Band Biography section courtesy of Billy Davis - that was another thing on my list since the beginning.
OK, I've ranted on long enough and I need to get home to install my new monitor on my computer.
Thanks for dropping by!
Last modified 27Mar99.