Well, I haven't gotten very far with the page reorginazations yet, but I am actively working on a new system which should allow me (and the band members) to respond to your emails and questions much sooner. As I said before, I find I don't have the time these days to deal with all the incoming emails these pages generate, but NOW I have found a solution. I am still working on it, but it's far enough along that I know it will work. I am changing the feedback forms used here to post your question/comment directly to a WWW page instead of to an email to me. The page your comment appears on will be password protected and will have buttons that will allow me, or the band members, to respond to you and/or post your comment elsewhere on the WWW pages here - all automatically at the click of a button. This will save me from a LOT of direct HTML page editing and will allow site maintenance to be much less time-consuming.
In the meantime, I admit I'm still not responding to much of your email and feel very bad about that, but when the new system is up, it should be a lot quicker and easier for all of us - hopefully it will be worth the wait!
Thanks for being patient.
Last modified 09May02.